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Calculation of the Levelised Cost of Electrical Energy Storage for Short-Duration Application. LCOS Sensitivity Analysis

Published in: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web and Information Technologies

Calculation of the Levelised Cost of Electrical Energy Storage for Short-Duration Application. LCOS Sensitivity Analysis

Vikenty Melnikov1,*, Gleb Nesterenko1, Anton Potapenko2, Dmitry Lebedev2

1: Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk 630073, Russian Federation

2: Energy Storage Systems LLC, Novosibirsk 630007, Russian Federation,

*Contact email:

Abstract: This paper research the issues of economic comparison of electrical energy storage systems based on the levelised cost of storage (LCOS). One of the proposed formulas for LCOS calculation was given, the parameters to be considered and the basic principles of their calculation were examined in detail. The LCOS was calculated for an electrical energy storage system, whose main function is to compensate for rapid changes in load power. LCOS sensitivity to changes in variables was analysed. The scope of potential application of the formula under consideration was specified, and the limitations preventing its wider use were indicated.

Keywords: electrical energy storage systems, LCOS, storage units, distributed generation, gas engine power plant, microgrids, renewable energy sources

Received: 25th May 2018

Accepted: 7th Jul 2018

Published: 2nd Oct 2018

Publisher: EAI

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